⚡️Many people ask: How can #bitcoin…

⚡️Many people ask: How can #bitcoin…

⚡️Many people ask: How can #bitcoin be a “store of value” when its price is volatile?

Time for a topic.

1/ What makes the best “store of value”?

If we can only pick ONE feature, it's its built-in "predictability".

2/ Gold is more predictable than copper and silver in supply and quality. That's why gold won.

The Fed is more predictable than the Central Bank of Argentina. That's why the USD wins.

3/ Predictability leads to trust. Confidence makes money.

If everything is left to free “money” markets, the candidate with the best “predictability” wins - OVER TIME.

4/ #Bitcoin is designed for maximum monetary predictability with its supply cap, difficulty adjustment and 4-year halving mechanism.

Its simple predictability is why #bitcoin is such an attractive candidate (and arguably the best ever) for a store of value in human history.

5/ Bitcoin had its “predictability crisis” when BCH exited Bitcoin.

Fortunately, the community made the choice and the market spoke. We are back on track.

6/ Now switching to price volatility.

For #bitcoin, price volatility is inevitable. It's noise and advantage.

When you have a bid cap and a 24/7 free trading market, it stands to reason to see your price fluctuate. Free markets work.

7/ With more people waking up to the store of value feature, its price level will rise over time as we have witnessed over the past 12 years.

Again, this upward trajectory is inevitable if everything is left to free markets.

Short-term volatility is just noise.

8/ The market price is also the most important #bitcoin signal sent to the world.

The apparent paradox of short-term volatility and long-term appreciation continues to attract new audiences.

A nice cycle of positive feedback!

9/ Next time, if someone tells you #bitcoin cannot be a good store of value due to its price volatility, show them this chart of gold prices over time and ask them:

“Sorry - Which one on this graph is not stable again?”😉

Article published 02/06/2021 Price at the time: $39,267.01

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🎯 MOTTO BTC: Don't Trust, Verify.

🎯 Rule Nº1: "Not your keys. Not your bitcoin and social medias"

🚨 Beware of BTCs FAKES: The real bitcoin belongs to those who have their PRIVATE KEY 🔐.


✅ Official Reference Sites
- https://bitcoin.org/en/
- https://bitcoin-only.com/
- https://bitcoiner.guide/
- https://en.bitcoin.it/
- https://cointastical.medium.com/bitcoin-news-media-and-analysis-sites-6850246df777

✅ Quick Tutorial for Beginners - In many languages
- https://bitcoin-intro.com/
- https://bitcoinheiros.com/intro-bitcoin/ - In Portuguese

✅ Bitcoin Fundamentals Summary
- https://livecoins.com.br/os-fundamentos-do-bitcoin/

- https://bitcoiner.guide/nokyconly/
- https://bitcoinqna.github.io/noKYConly/
- https://kycnot.me/
- https://foundationdevices.com/2023/03/bitcoin-doesnt-need-banks/
- https://github.com/cointastical/P2P-Trading-Exchanges

✅ Privacy Web
- https://foundationdevices.com/2023/03/privacy-on-nostr/
- Tools: https://t.me/TutorialBTC/6809

⚠️ Two things you need to know not to fall for SCAMS
- https://t.me/TutorialBTC/2165


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